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Our story today about Elijah and the widow is one about scarcity and abundance. The widow and, what must have been a young son, had nothing and were preparing to die because of their lack. And yet, in generosity she gave. And yet, there was more than enough. There was life.
Sometimes we look around and believe that there is not enough, we plan and we surrender to scarcity. And yet, our God is a god of enough and abundance. There was enough food for the widow, her son, and Elijah. There is enough for us, for our neighbors near and far.
On this day, we remember the saints who have gone before us, many of whom gave of their time, talents, and resources to this church community, their families, and their neighbors. On this day we remember the saints who gave of their energies and stories to bring us to this place. And we offer gratitude for them, for their lives, for their giving, for our chance to know them.
As we prepare for our time of stewardship, our planned giving for the sustaining of this community and the ongoing mission to our neighbors near and far, please consider what you can give, out of enough and abundance, and the legacy you want to leave behind for the saints to come.