We Belong to The United Church of Christ
The United Church of Christ is the Protestant denomination to which Emmanuel belongs.
- We were the Pilgrims who sailed on the Mayflower looking for religious freedom; we were German immigrants who came in hope of true community.
- More than 600 of our 5,700 churches were formed before 1776; eleven signers of the Declaration of Independence were members of UCC predecessor bodies.
- We were the church that funded the Amistad legal defense for imprisoned African slaves.
- We were the church that vigorously worked for the abolition of slavery, and founded African-American colleges throughout the nation, as well as working for public education.
- We were the first to ordain an African American pastor (Lemuel Haynes, 1785).
- We were the first church to ordain a woman minister (Antoinette Brown, 1853).
A New, Living Denomination With Cutting Edge Passion
In 1957 we had a rebirth of vision: to be the first ecumenical denomination, set on breaking down barriers that separate. No matter who, no matter where, no matter why: you are welcome among us.
- We were the first church to ordain gays and lesbians as ministers of the Gospel (William Johnson, 1972).
- We were the first church to openly support same-sex marriage (25th General Synod, 2005)
- We were in the forefront of the Civil Rights movement.
- We were in the forefront of Children’s Rights and the reduction of violence in television programming, affordable daycare, education, economic justice, and the nurturing of values of compassion, diversity, and tolerance.
We Arise From A “Free Church Tradition,”
This tradition encourages members to question and think for themselves & discern the meaning of scripture and claim their own unique spiritual journeys with Christ.
UCC churches honor, but not bound by, the historical creeds and sacred history of a 2,000-year-old tradition.
The United Church of Christ has a decentralized structure that supports each local UCC church while allowing it to make its own decisions. All UCC churches are in fellowship with all their sister UCC churches across the world, and gather together periodically to worship, discuss the issues of the day, and collectively carry out regional and international mission projects.
Wisconsin Conference of The United Church of Christ
Emmanuel UCC is also an active member of the Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of Christ, which is the statewide consortium of UCC churches which supports 2 year-round caps, several large retirement communities, 2 UCC-related colleges, 3 UCC seminaries, a dynamic Lay Academy, intimate ties with churches in Germany and Haiti… and much, much more! The Wisconsin Conference has an exciting 3-day annual meeting at Green Lake Conference Center every June that is full of workshops, speakers, worship, and discussion.
Our conference office, located just outside of Madison, provides services through Conference Ministers and other staff who support our local UCC churches and their pastors.
Emmanuel Church and its members have always been active in the life of the Wisconsin Conference, serving on state committees and boards, participating in conference supported mission projects, and generously giving financially to Our Churches Wider Mission (OCWM), that supports state, national, and worldwide UCC initiatives and missions.
Southeast Wisconsin Association of The United Church of Christ
Emmanuel UCC is part of the Southeast Wisconsin Association of the United Church of Christ. There are 55 active UCC churches in our Association located from Watertown to Milwaukee.
Emmanuel members and delegates regularly participate in the Spring Association meeting as well as joint mission projects, joint youth activities, and Association Committee meetings.
For More Information Regarding the UCC,
Please Check Out Their Website