Family Promise Homeless Shelter
October 1, 2017 - October 7, 2017
Volunteer training required
Homelessness is growing among families with children faster than any other demographic, but there are very few shelters that can accommodate children- and virtually none where the fathers can be included. Homeless families seeking shelter are often separated, with mothers and children going to one shelter, fathers going to a different shelter, and older boys having eve n fewer options. Family Promise is a ministry that brings families, including fathers, into the church to find shelter. Emmanuel works with 12 other congregations to provide shelter, each congregation serving as the host for 4 weeks of the year. During our 4 weeks, the families sleep and eat dinner and breakfast at the church. Each family is given their own room at the church, so there is some privacy and cohesion for the family. During the day, the children go to school and their parents go to the Family Promise day shelter to learn basic skills, look for jobs and apartments, and get life counseling. Interested in cooking or staying overnight as hosts with the families?
Contact Sue at tstelling@wi.rr.com